This-Ability Programme

About the Programme

This-Ability Programme is the community development programme that aims at purposefully developing women to be effective in raising their pre-destined children who have special needs.

The programme’s objectives

To provide platforms where women engage on parental issues through sharing their journey and learnings as parents of a children with special needs.

To create an environment where women have heart-to-heart conversations, sharing practical life experiences

To provide an opportunity for these women to be equipped with skills from professionals such as social workers, doctors, psychologists, educators, etc.

In November 2016, the first dialogue was launched and since its inception the dialogues have successfully covered topics such as:

  • Understanding self as a parent,
  • Understanding different stages in raising children with special needs,
  • Dealing with fear, control and “what if syndrome”.

The previous dialogue discussions included active participation of professionals like Medical Doctor who is a Dentist for Special needs children, Social Workers, Psychologist and Lawyer who enriched the pool of knowledge to attendees. The Foundation have also partnered with two schools that caters for children with special needs in Tembisa, Gauteng, South Africa. These schools give BonguLwazi Foundation access to their learners’ parents who are raising children with special needs.

The Foundation plans to also conduct parenting enrichment seminars, workshop and conferences to address different special needs related topics such as (i) Generational Differences, (ii) Parent to Child Communication, as well as any emerging social issues, among others.